Dear Readers, 
I have news for you!

This is old news, but for some reason I have not been able to share this news with you until now.
A couple of days after I posted Let’s Play – Let’s Be Gods Children, I gave my 2 week notice with the company I was working for. As of 1/31/14 I no longer work for the corporate world. I have taken on the responsibility of the plan that God has planned for me. He is now my boss! He has given me the most amazing future; I have snowballed into an amazing provider for His children. Did you know that He gave me the name for my business before I even knew what a health coach was! He has provided me many opportunities that have helped me to get where I am now; some opportunities I may have let slip through my fingers but many I have not.
The last couple of weeks I have been getting use to the “have no job” routine. I have been focusing on my Facebook page and promoting the many companies that I have acquired of the past months. My days and nights have officially swapped and sometimes I even forget to eat. I know that doesn’t sound very “health coach” of me but we all have a way of transforming. My logo is a butterfly because it represents transformation. But, tonight I have realized we are different then a butterfly, for a butterfly only transforms once, but WE as individuals have the opportunity to transform many times over!
I fell asleep on the couch this evening, I woke up to go to bed but I wasn’t able to fall back to sleep. My mind was wandering and I had this revolution.
I have been so focused on succeeding that I kinda lost focus. I have been promoting my products to bring in the money; well that does pay the bills. Instead what I need to do is promote YOU; the person that needs to lose weight, to lower their blood pressure, to lower their cholesterol levels, and sugar levels. You are worth the promoting; you have so much to offer this world, for God has a plan for ALL of us. The products I promote are just a “medium”, to help you on your journey to better health. To help you treat your body as the Temple it is. All things happen through the Lord. But, sometimes we need a “medium”, “motivator” and/or “guider” to help us take that next step forward. My goal is to inspire, to empower you, and to give you that glimmer of hope that we all need, to that next step. We, including me, tend to get in are own way with excuses, fears, and contentment; we don’t want to get out of our comfort zone.
So, does this mean you need everything that I promote? Nope! You can take the products or leave it. But, whatever you do, don’t do it alone. Find a health coach, like me, to guide you on your path; or find a healthy “medium” to help you get started in the right direction. I didn’t know about any of the products that I promote when I began my journey, but what I did need was someone to explain to me how, what and why the food I was eating was affecting my body, mind and spirit.
Here are a few things that inspired me to better health at the beginning of my journey.
1. The doctor telling me that I needed to go on 3 different medicines. I said “no way”!
2. Realizing that there was Gods food and Devils food. (That is what I use to call it, now I call it God’s food and man’s food)

3. Romans 12:2 (NKJV) 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
4. Coming to understand that overeating was a form of gluttony, which is a sin.
5. That are bodies are our Temple that God gave us.
6. Self Love!! – This was a doozy for me! I didn’t love myself; I wanted to be someone different. The ironic thing is I was already the person I wanted to be but because of the food I was eating and the negative chatter I had in my head I was keeping me from being that very person!! 
There are many more moments, but these are the ones that are surfacing right now. 
I remember at the beginning of my journey, looking for someone with the answers, someone who understood where I was coming from, someone who would listen to my dilemmas, someone who would help me to understand what the next step was. I never did find just that person, what I found was that I was that person I just needed to find the Institute for Integrative Nutrition school first where I found many people on the same self discovery path.
My friends, we are not alone, never alone! God put us here on the earth to have Love, Faith and Hope. To spread His good word! He gave us everything we need to be healthy and to shine in His image! We just need to step aside allow Him to take the reins!
Please don’t give in to obesity, illness or disease. We can change what we can and accept what we can’t. There is a solution, there is always a solution. We can grow old gracefully or we can just grow old. It’s in your hands.
Valentine’s Day is over but who is to say we can’t treat everyday as Christmas, Easter or even Valentine’s Day. Those holidays represent LOVE; why not share the Love within you with as many people as you can everyday? Just as we bless our food prior to eating, we need to bless all things. 
Hugs and Blessings to you all, 
Vicki Manuel 
**For information on the “mediums” I was mentioning head on over to my facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Vicki.Mile.Stone, For those who don’t have facebook contact me by email vickim@mile-stonewellness.com or go to www.vickimanuel.com (my website is still under construction but you can take a peek of what I do have done.)

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