Photo of Day – Round & Round

I posted last year that I was ready and willing to fulfill Gods will for me but the truth is I have been getting in my own way. Having a hard time separating man’s world from Gods world.
A friend of mine sent me this and I thought I would share with you. I hope you enjoy.
Hugs and Blessings,

The Amazing Grace Project


SONY DSCApril 25, 2013 … Round & Round

Yesterday I asked if you ever felt like you were going round & round & feeling like you were getting no where. I talked about how you needed to serve God Willingly and when you surrender to God and make him Lord & Savior of your life that we are given the Fruits of the Spirit. This is what it is going to take to get off that Merry Go Round and get on a straight path to progress. So the next step in not only learning what those Fruits consist of but knowing if we are manifesting those fruits.

The key to the reception of the Holy Spirit is repentance. John the Baptist was preaching repentance for the forgiveness of sins and as preparation for the coming of the Messiah. He was baptizing with water as a symbol of cleansing, but He…

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